From Egypt to Promised Land: a Story of Faith

ria_ilanoIn 2010, corporate communications maven Ria Ilano was an account manager at one of the biggest media companies in the country. It was a high-profile career with high stakes, and while she thrived in the work, her body began to show signs of wear and tear.

“I contracted pneumonia in 2010,” Ria says, “and I almost died. I knew I had to make a change.”

In December 2010, Ria resigned so her body could recover from the stress. Thanks in great part to the support she received from family, friends, Victory groupmates, and her fellow volunteers at Victory Fort’s KIDS Ministry, she recovered well. Still, Ria wasn’t sure what to do next.

“I was unemployed and praying for direction,” she says. “During that time, I decided to start a business.”

Not long after making that momentous decision, Ria heard of an ambitious project at Victory Fort. Ria’s heart for the next generation resonated with the message of the Every Nation Building Phase 2. Despite the demands of the fledgling business, Ria decided to participate.

“Some of my fellow volunteers from the KIDS Ministry and I got together,” she says, “and we decided to sponsor a room.”

The Volunteers’ Lounge seemed like the most appropriate choice for the group, whose members deciding to divide the Php2million cost equally amongst themselves.

“Despite all the challenges facing me, I completed my pledge in 2012,” Ria says proudly. “It was bittersweet, because that same year, I decided to close my business. Less than two years later, my mother died. Still, I had no regrets. I prioritized what God deserved.”

God honored Ria for her faithfulness during the mid-year prayer and fasting of 2013. Shortly afterward, a company contacted her for a leadership opportunity; after talks, she joined that company to lead a corporate communications department created specifically to maximize her skills and experience. It was the first time in the company’s 25-year history that such a department was created.

Today, Ria continues to work joyfully at that company, and is currently fulfilling her second pledge, a Php50,000 pledge at Victory Alabang to honor the memory of her mother.

“The entire time, I never doubted God would abandon me,” Ria smiles. “I stayed true to my commitment, and God stayed true to His. Even now that I’m in my promised land, I’m excited to step out in faith every time God calls me to.”

GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS: A Testimony of Provision

The Deen FamilyAs a member of Every Nation Philippines’ Communications Department, it is my privilege to communicate with our partners, providing regular updates on the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project. Like you, my wife, Catherine, and I committed to monthly gifts to the building, believing that God would use this building to help build strong men and women who would work with us to disciple the next generation, including our children, Nathan and Nicki.

In June 2014, our family was shocked to learn that Nathan was diagnosed with profound hearing loss in his left ear. Follow-up tests, including an audiotory brainstem response (ABR) test, confirmed that 80% of his left ear’s hearing capacity was gone.

Nathan’s EENT recommended we get a hearing aid. Upon further inquiry, we learned that the hearing aid apparently best suited to his needs, costs Php170,000, certainly not a small amount.

IMG_9883Caths and I prayed about our situation. While we still held on fast to our faith that God would heal Nathan, we were knew we needed to prepare for the worst, and start allocating a portion of our income for the hearing aid. Every peso counted, and over the past few months, we’d set aside a little bit to go towards buying the hearing aid.

One thing we both agreed to do was not stop giving to the building project. In early November, we decided to pay off the remaining balance of our pledge by December. Shortly after we made that decision, to our surprise, we received a call from a hearing aid supplier, who offered us a hearing aid that was 50% cheaper than the original hearing aid! We were also so blessed by a few people, including Cathy’s father, who gave seed money to help us buy Nathan’s hearing aid. If all goes well, we hope to buy the device next week.

God has been so faithful to our family. There was never any doubt in our minds that we wanted to put His plans first, which is why giving to the building project was one of our family’s priorities for the past two years. (It was also a blessing that our daughter, Nicola, was featured in the November 2014 building video.) Our son might have a hard time hearing, but God has clearly shown that He hears us perfectly, and is ready to answer our prayers in His perfect time.


Do you have a testimony to share of God’s goodness after giving to our building project? Please email us at Thank you!

Richly Blessed

blas and dynes magnoIn October 2013, Blas and Dynes Magno of Victory Pioneer were invited to attend a banquet for the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. Dynes shares their testimony and how God made Himself known to them.

When we first got an invite for the EN Building Phase 2 Building Banquet, we had no idea what the event was all about—but of curiosity and excitement, we responded to the invitation.

At the banquet, we learned the value of building a facility for the next generation of leaders. It was an ongoing project, and we felt privileged to see the building plans, designs, perspectives and blueprints. Doc Jun Aguilar, our senior pastor, made the presentation and we became interested. At the end of the event, we were offered the opportunity to be part of the project.

We were excited to be part of the great endeavor that the church was going to have. My husband and I spent time praying for the amount we were to give for the entire year, in spite of the financial challenges that we were facing. Our budget was so stretched because of our usual monthly house amortizations, utility bills, and other financial obligations that we had—and we didn’t know where to get the pledge amount we committed.

A week after we accepted Doc Jun’s challenge to give to the building, Blas was called into his boss’s office. Ever since he was hired, Blas had not been given any increases, and when he was called in, he initially thought had done something wrong. To his surprise, his boss offered him a promotion then and there, guaranteeing him a salary increase, a monthly gas allowance, and a rise up the company’s corporate ladder! It was the first time in 30 years that a mid-year promotion was given to any employee at that company, and he was stunned.

When Blas arrived at home, we both marveled at God’s faithfulness to us when we decided to do our part in building His kingdom through this building partnership. Blas’ promotion and salary increase was a reminder that He listens to his children’s prayers, sees their hearts, and makes things possible even in the midst of trials.

We have received countless blessings from the Lord and continue to receive more.  Every blessing has its own unique story to tell. For us, it is a reminder that He is faithful and generous. That is why we always endeavor to give whatever is due Him. All praises and glory to Him!

Unshakeable Faith

My family and I have been based in Tacloban since 2009. My then-fiancé (now my wife) and I decided to help plant the church in the city. I knew God had a plan for us, so we built our lives and our livelihood in the region.

We had a good living in the city, until typhoon Yolanda hit the region. By then, my wife and I had two children, aged 4 and 2. All our belongings were submerged in floodwater. In the middle of looking through the items in our home, we discovered the Every Nation building bank I had gotten for my children. It was all we had left.

To be honest, it was tempting to empty its contents and make use of the money we’d put inside it, but something was holding me back from actually doing so. I resolved in my heart that the money in that coin bank was not mine to keep and use for my family’s survival.  It was for the church—specifically, to help advance God’s kingdom.

COMM8945Before the storm, we’d been putting coins in the bank for some time. Each time I came home from work, I’d give my children a few coins that they could put inside the bank. I wanted to teach my children about giving generously—that what God entrusts to us is not just ours to keep, but ours to give away. I wanted my children to have hearts that give joyfully, and without reservation.

God, in His faithfulness, has blessed us over and beyond what we can ever imagine. After the storm, work was unstable, but my wife and I were given capital to start a new business. We’d also receive unexpected blessings here and there.

God is a lavish and generous God, but He can bless us as He so pleases. One of the biggest lessons I have learned, one that I also want to impart to my children, is to not seek rewards from Him. As we are faithful in the small things, God is honored and glorified. The starting point of giving is in your heart, and I consider it an honor and privilege to give to His kingdom.


Today, John Louie and his family are based in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. Aside from helping jumpstart the Victory church to be planted in the area, they have started a business and have plans to set up a music school in the city.

God-given Ability: A Story of Provision

lougokianIn 2012, I received my back pay from my former employer. After tithing from that amount, I felt that God wanted me to give the remainder towards the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. I prayed through it, and consulted my wife about the matter. We gave the full amount towards the Building Project, and remained in faith for what God would do.

Aside from what God wanted us to do as a family, I wanted to leave a legacy to my future children. I wanted to show them that we had a part to play as a family in advancing God’s kingdom. I was holding on to God’s promise that as I embrace my role in helping build His kingdom, He will build my household.

My wife and I did not experience any kind of lack thereafter. Just as always, God provided for our needs. What was different, on the other hand, were the side projects I did aside from my regular work. God blessed us with an additional stream of income through steady and consistent side projects.

Because of this, I was able to save up to buy a new laptop. Now, I am better able to produce better-quality output for my regular work and my clients.

Through this giving journey, I realized that God does not merely bless us with our needs and wants–His Word says that He gives us the ability to produce wealth. God provides us with skills, strength, and good health, not just to work hard, but also to be a blessing to others.

Lou Gokian is a Motion Graphic Designer for Every Nation Philippines. He is married to Sarah, a Fund Marketing Officer for the Every Nation Philippines’s Development Department.

"Be Bold Enough to Ask!": A Story of Provision & Promotion

When Honey Gee Cruzada-Carr prayed and fasted in January 2013, she lifted several things in her life up to God, but one particular faith goal weighed heavily and persistently on her heart.

thecarrs“One of my faith goals was to be able to give to the building fund,” she says today. When asked what fuels her desire to support the building, she replies, “My daughter. I look at my daughter and I know that the building will benefit her and the next generation.”

At the time, however, Honey Gee’s situation was less than ideal. She was eager to move on from her workplace at the time.

“One of my faith goals was to be able to look for a better job,” she says, “as I was very unhappy with all the injustice happening in our workplace.”

Despite her problems at work, Honey Gee pledged in faith to the building project. A month after the start-of-the-year 2013 Prayer & Fasting, her situation came to a head, and she was offered a redundancy package equivalent to four tax-free months of pay.

“I gladly accepted it,” she says, “And soon gave the amount I pledged to the building fund in full.”

God had an even bigger surprise in store for Honey Gee.

“A week after, I received a job offer with a 35% salary increase! Only God could do that!”

“I have no problems about giving,” Honey Gee says. “The talent and resources that God is giving us is His. It is our duty to make sure we are faithful stewards by using our talent and resources to His cause – make disciples.”

“People need to believe God for a big amount that they can give to this cause,” she adds. “This is God’s building; He owns it and all the resources. He will use you to be able to give, but only if you are willing and bold enough to ask!”

The Best Investment: A Story of God’s Blessing

belleI first found out about the Every Nation Building Phase 2 when the project was first assigned to me as a Project Coordinator last year. It’s one of my responsibilities as one of the administrators of Victory Alabang.

My husband, Francis, and I wanted to be involved in the building project because we thought it was a worthy investment. So we committed to be part of the Every Nation Building Project for the next two years. We wanted to participate in what God is doing in our nation, and beyond. Since my husband is a campus minister, we also believe in training the next generation to make disciples.

Since we began giving, God has blessed Francis and I in so many ways after. But the biggest blessing we received came in the form of abundant financial provision. After one year of giving to the Building Project, my husband and I received five times of what we gave in a year. The person who blessed us with this amount told us we could this amount for future investments also.

Francis and I are so blessed to be part of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. We really believe it is a good investment for the future. It feels good to participate in this endeavor, and I know the resources we allot towards this project will never go to waste.

God’s Greater Generosity: A Story of God’s Abundance

 hinolan_jennyIn November 2012, I found out about the fundraising efforts of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project through my home church, Victory Fort Bonifacio. I wanted to participate in giving, but was initially a bit hesitant because of the two-year commitment I had to make. Despite that, I trusted God to come through for me; I was confident that He would provide for everything I needed.

Come December, my superiors informed me that I was one of the candidates slated for promotion. Out of the twenty candidates selected nationwide, there were only four slots available. I was not expecting to be promoted, and I prayed for God’s favor on this.

After six months, God answered my prayer. I received my promotion! What’s more surprising is that I received a number of bonuses from my annual appraisal and actual promotion. In short, God blessed me with the full total of my two years’ worth of giving to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project on one payslip. Imagine that! I had not even completed my two-year commitment yet!

hinolan_familyMy family and I are so blessed to be part of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. We have witnessed God’s faithfulness to us in the past, through providing for all that we need. That’s why I encourage each of you, none of us can never out-give God. The more you give, the more the blessings He gives you.

We don’t have to be afraid to give to God’s purposes here on earth, because what He gives in return is so much more than what we can ever expect.

Praise God for His faithfulness!

God’s Economy: A Story of Over-and-Beyond Provision

Early in my life, I knew how faithful God could be with regard to providing for my needs. Since I was a college student, I saw how He showed Himself as a Provider. Raising my support as a campus missionary was an even bigger challenge for me, but I saw how God came through.

True to His nature, He provided more than what I expected. As a campus missionary, I witnessed how my monthly support doubled after I stepped out in faith to give to my home church’s building project a few years ago. I have seen over and over how good and faithful God is!

I guess you could say I had another opportunity to take part in what God’s doing through Phase 2 of our Every Nation Building Project.

In December 2012, I started praying to take part in the building project, and I started my monthly commitment as 2013 started. I was in faith that God would provide for all my needs.

I haven’t completed my pledge to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project when I witnessed God’s faithfulness yet again. Earlier this month, one of my ministry partners arranged a meeting with me. They received a big bonus, and wrote out a check for my support—amounting to 200% of my pledge amount to our building project.

I couldn’t believe it! God did it again!

Financial investors teach us to make financial investments to help our resources grow. Yes, there’s merit in making these kinds of decisions, but I believe that God is the best investment that any of us could ever make.

God has a different economy. What we sow, we reap. I sometimes wonder if what I do will bear fruit. But I realize, it doesn’t matter. He is a faithful God!

Joash Paunil is a campus missionary with LifeBox Philippines.

"We can never outgive God!": A Story of Trust in God's Power to Provide

by Mel Techo

mel-oleinAs a We are honored and happy to share our testimony on how the Lord showed His faithfulness to us.

As pastors, the nature of our work takes us all over General Santos, from house to church to campus and to our community. The hectic schedule took its toll on our previous car, which was now breaking down consistently and costing us a lot in repairs and maintenance. So my family and I began to pray for a newer and bigger car so we can ferry more people and carry bigger load.

My wife and I began saving for a brand new — or even a functional second-hand — car. We saved through the months and by April 2012 we were blessed with a big amount. With our extra savings, we were scouring and searching the market for the best buy.

As we prayed and searched, however, the Lord spoke to us, and told us to give all of our vehicle savings to the church, sowing the biggest bulk of it to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. Without any delay, we wrote the check and gave it to Victory Philippines’ Development Office. Giving it felt so good!

Two weeks after, a good friend of mine called us and told us that the Lord has prompted him to bless us an amount to buy a car!

We were so amazed and surprised by what just happened, and so we looked and searched for a good vehicle. We were able to find a Toyota Innova 2006 model in great condition. To top it all off, the person who blessed us with the amount called again and told us that he would shoulder the shipping costs of the vehicle from Manila to General Santos!

The Lord has proven that we can’t outgive Him. We never can and never will! Truly, He is faithful!