Unshakeable Faith

My family and I have been based in Tacloban since 2009. My then-fiancé (now my wife) and I decided to help plant the church in the city. I knew God had a plan for us, so we built our lives and our livelihood in the region.

We had a good living in the city, until typhoon Yolanda hit the region. By then, my wife and I had two children, aged 4 and 2. All our belongings were submerged in floodwater. In the middle of looking through the items in our home, we discovered the Every Nation building bank I had gotten for my children. It was all we had left.

To be honest, it was tempting to empty its contents and make use of the money we’d put inside it, but something was holding me back from actually doing so. I resolved in my heart that the money in that coin bank was not mine to keep and use for my family’s survival.  It was for the church—specifically, to help advance God’s kingdom.

COMM8945Before the storm, we’d been putting coins in the bank for some time. Each time I came home from work, I’d give my children a few coins that they could put inside the bank. I wanted to teach my children about giving generously—that what God entrusts to us is not just ours to keep, but ours to give away. I wanted my children to have hearts that give joyfully, and without reservation.

God, in His faithfulness, has blessed us over and beyond what we can ever imagine. After the storm, work was unstable, but my wife and I were given capital to start a new business. We’d also receive unexpected blessings here and there.

God is a lavish and generous God, but He can bless us as He so pleases. One of the biggest lessons I have learned, one that I also want to impart to my children, is to not seek rewards from Him. As we are faithful in the small things, God is honored and glorified. The starting point of giving is in your heart, and I consider it an honor and privilege to give to His kingdom.


Today, John Louie and his family are based in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. Aside from helping jumpstart the Victory church to be planted in the area, they have started a business and have plans to set up a music school in the city.

God-given Ability: A Story of Provision

lougokianIn 2012, I received my back pay from my former employer. After tithing from that amount, I felt that God wanted me to give the remainder towards the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. I prayed through it, and consulted my wife about the matter. We gave the full amount towards the Building Project, and remained in faith for what God would do.

Aside from what God wanted us to do as a family, I wanted to leave a legacy to my future children. I wanted to show them that we had a part to play as a family in advancing God’s kingdom. I was holding on to God’s promise that as I embrace my role in helping build His kingdom, He will build my household.

My wife and I did not experience any kind of lack thereafter. Just as always, God provided for our needs. What was different, on the other hand, were the side projects I did aside from my regular work. God blessed us with an additional stream of income through steady and consistent side projects.

Because of this, I was able to save up to buy a new laptop. Now, I am better able to produce better-quality output for my regular work and my clients.

Through this giving journey, I realized that God does not merely bless us with our needs and wants–His Word says that He gives us the ability to produce wealth. God provides us with skills, strength, and good health, not just to work hard, but also to be a blessing to others.

Lou Gokian is a Motion Graphic Designer for Every Nation Philippines. He is married to Sarah, a Fund Marketing Officer for the Every Nation Philippines’s Development Department.