"Be Bold Enough to Ask!": A Story of Provision & Promotion

When Honey Gee Cruzada-Carr prayed and fasted in January 2013, she lifted several things in her life up to God, but one particular faith goal weighed heavily and persistently on her heart.

thecarrs“One of my faith goals was to be able to give to the building fund,” she says today. When asked what fuels her desire to support the building, she replies, “My daughter. I look at my daughter and I know that the building will benefit her and the next generation.”

At the time, however, Honey Gee’s situation was less than ideal. She was eager to move on from her workplace at the time.

“One of my faith goals was to be able to look for a better job,” she says, “as I was very unhappy with all the injustice happening in our workplace.”

Despite her problems at work, Honey Gee pledged in faith to the building project. A month after the start-of-the-year 2013 Prayer & Fasting, her situation came to a head, and she was offered a redundancy package equivalent to four tax-free months of pay.

“I gladly accepted it,” she says, “And soon gave the amount I pledged to the building fund in full.”

God had an even bigger surprise in store for Honey Gee.

“A week after, I received a job offer with a 35% salary increase! Only God could do that!”

“I have no problems about giving,” Honey Gee says. “The talent and resources that God is giving us is His. It is our duty to make sure we are faithful stewards by using our talent and resources to His cause – make disciples.”

“People need to believe God for a big amount that they can give to this cause,” she adds. “This is God’s building; He owns it and all the resources. He will use you to be able to give, but only if you are willing and bold enough to ask!”