God’s Greater Generosity: A Story of God’s Abundance

 hinolan_jennyIn November 2012, I found out about the fundraising efforts of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project through my home church, Victory Fort Bonifacio. I wanted to participate in giving, but was initially a bit hesitant because of the two-year commitment I had to make. Despite that, I trusted God to come through for me; I was confident that He would provide for everything I needed.

Come December, my superiors informed me that I was one of the candidates slated for promotion. Out of the twenty candidates selected nationwide, there were only four slots available. I was not expecting to be promoted, and I prayed for God’s favor on this.

After six months, God answered my prayer. I received my promotion! What’s more surprising is that I received a number of bonuses from my annual appraisal and actual promotion. In short, God blessed me with the full total of my two years’ worth of giving to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project on one payslip. Imagine that! I had not even completed my two-year commitment yet!

hinolan_familyMy family and I are so blessed to be part of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. We have witnessed God’s faithfulness to us in the past, through providing for all that we need. That’s why I encourage each of you, none of us can never out-give God. The more you give, the more the blessings He gives you.

We don’t have to be afraid to give to God’s purposes here on earth, because what He gives in return is so much more than what we can ever expect.

Praise God for His faithfulness!

God’s Economy: A Story of Over-and-Beyond Provision

Early in my life, I knew how faithful God could be with regard to providing for my needs. Since I was a college student, I saw how He showed Himself as a Provider. Raising my support as a campus missionary was an even bigger challenge for me, but I saw how God came through.

True to His nature, He provided more than what I expected. As a campus missionary, I witnessed how my monthly support doubled after I stepped out in faith to give to my home church’s building project a few years ago. I have seen over and over how good and faithful God is!

I guess you could say I had another opportunity to take part in what God’s doing through Phase 2 of our Every Nation Building Project.

In December 2012, I started praying to take part in the building project, and I started my monthly commitment as 2013 started. I was in faith that God would provide for all my needs.

I haven’t completed my pledge to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project when I witnessed God’s faithfulness yet again. Earlier this month, one of my ministry partners arranged a meeting with me. They received a big bonus, and wrote out a check for my support—amounting to 200% of my pledge amount to our building project.

I couldn’t believe it! God did it again!

Financial investors teach us to make financial investments to help our resources grow. Yes, there’s merit in making these kinds of decisions, but I believe that God is the best investment that any of us could ever make.

God has a different economy. What we sow, we reap. I sometimes wonder if what I do will bear fruit. But I realize, it doesn’t matter. He is a faithful God!

Joash Paunil is a campus missionary with LifeBox Philippines.

"We can never outgive God!": A Story of Trust in God's Power to Provide

by Mel Techo

mel-oleinAs a We are honored and happy to share our testimony on how the Lord showed His faithfulness to us.

As pastors, the nature of our work takes us all over General Santos, from house to church to campus and to our community. The hectic schedule took its toll on our previous car, which was now breaking down consistently and costing us a lot in repairs and maintenance. So my family and I began to pray for a newer and bigger car so we can ferry more people and carry bigger load.

My wife and I began saving for a brand new — or even a functional second-hand — car. We saved through the months and by April 2012 we were blessed with a big amount. With our extra savings, we were scouring and searching the market for the best buy.

As we prayed and searched, however, the Lord spoke to us, and told us to give all of our vehicle savings to the church, sowing the biggest bulk of it to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. Without any delay, we wrote the check and gave it to Victory Philippines’ Development Office. Giving it felt so good!

Two weeks after, a good friend of mine called us and told us that the Lord has prompted him to bless us an amount to buy a car!

We were so amazed and surprised by what just happened, and so we looked and searched for a good vehicle. We were able to find a Toyota Innova 2006 model in great condition. To top it all off, the person who blessed us with the amount called again and told us that he would shoulder the shipping costs of the vehicle from Manila to General Santos!

The Lord has proven that we can’t outgive Him. We never can and never will! Truly, He is faithful!

The Awesome Faithfulness of God: A Story of Abundant Provision

Wally and Leah Castro were in faith to be part of the Every Nation Building project in spite of financial challenges. When they were faced with setbacks, the Castros believed in faith that God would provide for their giving—and He did much more! Read this story of God’s faithfulness in the midst of the trials that surround us.

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"He provides more than what we give": A Story of Total Trust in God's Provision

by Jeck F. Maog

Jeck MaogWhen I first heard of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project at a building banquet at Victory Fort last November 2011, I was excited to be a part of it, but also a bit hesitant to make a public declaration to pledge. At the time, I was more than a year into believing God for promotion at China Bank, and, while I never doubted God would deliver, I wasn’t completely sold on the idea of formally pledging.

Nevertheless, I decided in my heart that I wanted to participate, telling God I would give my entire gross increase for one year if and when I got promoted.

I received my promotion a month later.

So I began giving to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project, starting January 2012, giving online through the project’s credit card facility because it was easy and automatic.

Two months into giving, my father was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, a condition that stresses out the spine. He needed immediate surgery on the C1 and C2 parts of his spine. The next few months were a draining time for the entire family, financially and emotionally, but God always provided, and my giving to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 fund wasn’t affected.

In September 2012, I received another increase, this time, the result of a favorable performance appraisal. I was soon prompted by the Holy Spirit to raise my giving to Php10,000 per month, increasing the monthly pledge by Php1,300, plus a one-time Php11,700 to cover the first nine months of 2012. Before I could even question where I would get this money, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my recent increase, and the nominal amount was so much more than the additional Php1,300. When I sat down to compute my increases for the year — for the promotion and for the performance appraisal — the total increase, net of tax, was still more than the Php10,000 the Lord asked me to give.

I continued to give, and the Lord continued to provide.

When 2013 started, I decided to give the remaining balance of the 25-month pledge, and the Lord paved the way for me to be able to sell some of my stock options at a 150% profit. Despite big credit card payables, I gave the remaining Php120,000 happily in one lump sum. I then paid all my credit card bills.

Knowing I am contributing to something bigger makes me happy and contented. I told myself,

We cannot boast of whatever we give to the Lord’s work.
He is the one who equips us for it.
Everything we have comes from Him.
We are merely GIVING BACK to him
a very small portion of what He gives us.

The author (third from right) with friends from her Victory group

The author (third from right) with friends from her Victory group

In retrospect, I realize once again that the Lord provides more than what He asks of us to give. In my case, He provided twice as much, well in advance. It is a joy and privilege to participate in His work, and I will always be thankful for the love and presence of a God Who so generously, amazingly, audaciously provides.

"It has really been an amazing life!": A Story of Audacious Faith

dads1When Eduardo “Dads” Valencia first heard of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project, God spoke clearly to him, giving the virtual executive assistant a sum that took him a bit by surprise.

“He wanted me to pledge Php250,000,” the KIDS Church volunteer at Victory Fort recalls. “I thought to myself, ‘That’s already half of what I’m earning! That would be really crazy!”

For Dads, it didn’t seem possible. He was renting a place in Manila, away from his senior citizen-aged parents in Bulacan. “I have debts to pay,” he says, “and a girlfriend I want to marry someday. I support my parents. Giving Php10,000 a month for the EN Building Phase 2 would have meant I wouldn’t be able to live decently!”

Despite his trepidation, Dads decided to take God on, and pledged the full Php250,000. He believed God wasted no time, and by January 2013, his finances life read like a laundry list of blessing.

“My boss in Canada decided to hire me directly,” Dads smiles. “He doubled my salary and allows me to work from home. At the same time,” he adds, “I became the part-time virtual assistant of another person, the CEO of a non-profit organization, for an additional two hours of work daily, but with very good pay.”

He pauses, then lets a wide grin break across his face. “God tripled my salary. And I don’t need to pressure myself anymore to work abroad,” he adds, “just to do the things I want to do and attend to all my responsibilities.”

dads2“(Pledging to the Every Nation Building Phase 2) is a faith goal that may seem too impossible in my own human perspective,” Dads says, “and yet God has put the desire in my heart with this specific amount. He told me December 2012 that He would -” Dads then quotes from Isaiah 30:23 “- send me rain for the seed I sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful.”

Another lopsided grin.

“I am simply amazed and overwhelmed by how God works!” Dads exclaims. “It has been really an amazing life since I have surrendered my life to Jesus one year ago. Now I am believing that He will make it really possible for me to be true to this pledge and continue with my commitment of giving Php 250,000 for the EN Phase 2.”


Editor’s Note: Two weeks ago, Dads Valencia received payments from both his jobs. He has given the first installment of his pledge to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project.

January 2013: Digging commences!

Happy new year from the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project team!

Almost a month into 2013, the Every Nation Building Phase 2 construction is now in full swing. Last January 14, we began formal digging on the site on which the new building will rise. This photo gallery contains images of the digging site, as well as the temporary parking facility that will service staff working at and guests to the Every Nation Building. The next 25 months will prove to be both exciting yet challenging, so please continue to keep the construction in your prayers.

With several months gone by since we launched our project, it’s so inspiring to see how people are catching our vision. I’m really excited by how the next generation is supporting our building and sowing into their generation. We continue to receive Every Nation Building coin banks, and maintain an image gallery of these kids on Facebook to thank them and honor their faith.

Also, I encourage you to read the story of Vincent Saavedra, a 12-year-old student, commercial model, and pianist, who decided to give to the building fund. In my opinion, the story of how God delighted him after deciding to pledge to the building fund, is particularly touching.

Psalm 33:11 says, “…the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” We are grateful for your partnership, because we believe we are working together to achieve the purposes of His heart, His desire, for us to go and make disciples.

May God prosper you abundantly this year as you faithfully continue to train leaders and transform nations through the construction of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.

Pastor Joey Bonifacio
Project Campaign Director


  • Good weather. As on-site digging continues, pray for good weather and the safety of our construction crew. Believe God for 25 months of accident-free construction.
  • Patience for Victory members and staff. Pray for grace and patience to abound as people adjust to the new parking situation and building conditions.
  • The Building Team. Pray for unity, discernment, and the health of the members of our building team.
  • Partners. Pray for provision and abundance for our partners, that they may continue to be faithful to their pledges.


Digging begins formally on building site

Last January 14, digging on the Every Nation Building’s parking lot and rotonda formally began. A temporary parking facility at the corner of Lanes D and R beside the STI building was opened to serve Every Nation Philippines’ staff and guests.

A shuttle will be available from Mondays through Fridays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM to shuttle staff and guests to and from our parking lot. Click here to see directions to the new parking lot; click here to watch Victory Fort’s parking video announcement. Click here to view pictures of our ongoing digging operations, updated weekly.


“The harvest comes after planting!”: A Story of Faithful Provision

Piano-playing student and part-time commercial model Vincent Saavedra didn’t quite know what God had in store for him when he told his parents he was giving money to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. Click here to read about how God surprised this faithful teenager beyond what he could’ve ever expected or imagined.


Virtual walls get more names

It brings us at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project a particular sense of joy whenever we see new names on the Every Nation Virtual Walls, viewable on everynationbuilding.ph. More than just the Php1,000 it takes to get one’s name up on either Campus wall or Nation wall, we rejoice in the knowledge that people are making a public declaration to pray for these schools and countries. For more information on our virtual walls, please click here.


Give Online Now you can give online via credit card or BPI Express Online.You will need a myVictory account to give online.Click here to learn more about myVictory.
Invite your Friend to a Banquet Schedule a friend for one of our building banquets

“The harvest comes after planting!”: A Story of Faithful Provision

by: Vincent Saavedra

When the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project was launched last year, my parents Roland and Becc encouraged my siblings and me to be part of it. I decided early in the year to give to the building project, and was blessed almost immediately after making the decision. In the summer of 2012, I was selected to appear in a Milo commercial, and excitedly gave a thousand pesos to the building project from my talent fee.

In July, I decided to participate in Piano Category A2 of the National Music Competition for Young Artists 2012. This is the most prestigious piano competition in the Philippines. Out of 12 entrants from all over the Philippines, I qualified for the NAMCYA Regional Competition at the University of the Philippines-Diliman last September 29. I competed against five other semifinalists, and I was so happy when I  qualified for the finals!

During the November 20 finals at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Main Theater, I prayed to God for confidence and skill; I trusted He would help me. As I played my pieces against other incredibly talented finalists, I knew my parents were covering me in prayer as well. In my heart, I knew God was helping me through it.

By the end of the evening, God really came through! I ended up winning third place! My family knew it was God who helped me performed well and eventually win! Another surprise quickly came: I was given a check for P10,000! This was a surprise, because when I joined the NAMCYA, I didn’t know there were cash prizes at stake!

My mom says this wasn’t a coincidence. I gave a thousand pesos to the building fund. We believe God returned to me ten times the amount I gave! We really cannot out-give God. My faith was strengthened even more, and I believe that God really will work through young believers like me to do amazing things in my generation!

December 2012: Merry Christmas!

On behalf of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project team, Merry Christmas! Thanks in part to your continued support, all systems are “Go!” for the Every Nation Building Phase 2!

On October 27, we broke ground for the Every Nation Building Phase 2, exactly eleven years later to the day we broke ground for the first Every Nation Building. This was more than happy coincidence; we know God loves to delight His children. We hope this month’s updates bring you joy, whether you’re reading about the latest project developments, or about Ria Catalasan’s encouraging story of steadfast faith, or looking at pictures of the next generation doing their part in building this building.

Even as we celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2012, and look forward to His doing more amazing things in 2013, we know the work is far from over. As we remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, let us also never forget it is for Him and His mandate that we are building this building. Thank you for co-laboring with us to train leaders and transform nations.

On behalf of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project team, happy holidays

Pastor Joey Bonifacio
Project Campaign Director


  • On-site Digging. Pray for good weather and ideal working conditions as we begin digging the site of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 this January 2013.
  • Parking Alternatives. Pray for peace and patience across the church as parking conditions adjust to the construction. Believe God for smooth traffic conditions as we begin our shuttle service.
  • The Building Team. Pray for the members of our building team, that they will continue to remain united as the project heads into full swing. Believe God for clarity and discernment as they continue to work on the project.
  • Partners. As 2013 begins, pray for our partners’ renewed passion for our vision, faithfulness to their pledges, and continued health and security as the building commences.

Every Nation holds groundbreaking for new building

On October 27, 2001, the Every Nation family broke ground for the Every Nation building project. Exactly eleven years later, we broke ground for the second phase of the Every Nation building.


“I didn’t have money, but I had peace”: A Story of Steadfast Faith

Every week at building banquets throughout Metro Manila, Ria Catalasan would invite church members to participate in building the Every Nation Building Phase 2. Yet inside, this former bank executive herself found herself hesitant, as she had virtually nothing to give. Read about how God challenged her to step out in faith in a big way, and how He rewarded her obedience… in His time.


Building Booth launched at Every Nation Building

The Every Nation Partner Relations Office (PRO) recently launched a building booth on the second floor of the Every Nation Building. PRO staff will man the booth on weekends to provide information on the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project and receive Building Bank submissions.

View our Facebook album featuring children with their Building Banks.



Give Online

Now you can give online via credit card or BPI Express Online.

You will need a myVictory account to give online.

Click here to learn more about myVictory.

Invite your Friend to a Banquet

Schedule a friend for one of our building banquets

“I Didn’t Have Money, But I Had Peace”: A Story of Steadfast Faith

Coordinating building banquets for the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project was not difficult for Partner Relations Coordinator Ria Catalasan; it was listening to the nightly invitations to partner in faith that tugged at the former bank executive’s heart.

“Every night,” she says, “ a different pastor would pray, but nobody knew my situation. It got so bad,” she adds, “that I didn’t have enough money to buy a pair of shoes.”

Things weren’t always so tight for Ria; only a few short years ago, she had a thriving career at one of the country’s largest banks. While she was sole breadwinner and responsible for sending her brother to school, her family’s finances were manageable, even earning enough to secure a house and lot along C5, which, rented out, generated additional income for her family.

In 2001, she decided to start a business with her cousin. She handled the daily operations; he converted his condominium into office space. From the get-go, the business struggled; envisioned initially as a call center, it transitioned into a human resources consultancy, then a virtual office.

“I didn’t pay myself a salary,” Ria says, “our household expenses were all paid using credit cards.” After months of financial bleeding, in, Ria’s cousin decided to sell his condominium, effectively terminating the business arrangement and leaving her tens of thousands of pesos in credit card debt.

“The failure of the business was very difficult for me,” Ria recalls. “I cried so hard.”

In, determined to rise above her situation, Ria threw herself into her new job – Partner Relations Coordinator at Every Nation’s Partner Relations Office – with passion and fervor. At the same time, she and her family decided to put their C5 property on the market.

“It wasn’t easy,” Ria says. “The property was for sale for several months, but we had no inquiries. Meanwhile, the summer was difficult; we didn’t use air-conditioning. I sold all my jewelry so we could buy gas. The worst part for me,” she adds, “was not being able to give to the building.”

In July 2012, Ria had a conversation with a friend from the bank for whom she used to work. That friend reminded her that she had stock options she hadn’t claimed; the value was close to Php32,000.

“I couldn’t believe I had money! I converted it to cash,” she says, “so I would have two to three months of worry-free living. But then I was prompted by God to give it to the building.”

“How could I do that?” Ria said to herself. It didn’t sound like something she could do.

Banquet after banquet passed as Ria mulled over what God was asking her to do. Finally, after one particular banquet during which Pastor Paolo Punzalan of Victory Fort Bonifacio prayed, she decided to obey God in faith.

“I said, ‘Lord, You’re my source.’” Ria smiles, “Wala na. I had nothing to bank on. I just prayed, ‘Lord, increase my faith, I know this is just temporary.’” She gave the full Php32,000 to the building fund the very next day.

“I didn’t have money,” she says, “but I had peace. I knew He would sustain me and my family.”

The next few months tested the patience of Ria and her family, but also featured miracle after miracle. Despite no additional income, Ria and her family found resources to meet their monthly needs. Her household expenses decreased as the family worked to become more efficient with their expenses. And after several years of being on the market, their C5 property finally found a buyer.

“The first thing I did was pay off my credit cards!” Ria grins, “Back then, I prayed to be a good steward of God’s blessings, even when I didn’t have anything. Yun yung nangyari,” she adds, laughing, “I didn’t have anything.”

“When you have nothing, though,” she adds, “it becomes even more meaningful when God reminds you that He will always provide something for you. I may not have had money, but I always had God. And that was more than enough for me.”