Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party

We are very happy to announce that the Every Nation Building Phase 2 basement parking facility is now open!

On weekdays, visitors to the Every Nation Building will be issued visitor slips that require validation; on weekends, drivers will be issued cards with three-hour validity. Weekday drivers who exit without a validated visitor slip, or weekend drivers who have exceeded the three-hour validity, will be charged a fine of PHP300 (either whole-day parking on weekdays and beyond their allotted time on weekends).

Parking policies
As we start using our parking facility, kindly take note of the following:

  • Parking is open from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM only, and only for ministry purposes.
  • Overnight Parking is not allowed unless there’s a medical emergency or a breakdown of your vehicle.
  • Parking reservations shall not be allowed.
  • Speed limit shall be 5 kilometers per hour.
  • Staircase access only.
  • Satellite parking and shuttle services will still be available during this period of transition.

We also held a Happy Parking Party to formally open the basement parking. Please view the gallery below.

Every Nation Building Phase 2 project topping off ceremony held

Every Nation Philippines held a topping ceremony for the Every Nation Building Phase 2 last March 28, 2014, at 4:00 PM, at the fourth floor of the rising facility.

After a time of worship, Every Nation Building Phase 2 project director Pastor Joey Bonifacio welcomed the guests, who included guest of honor Senator Gregorio “Gringo” Honasan, to the ceremony, and introduced Pastor Steve Murrell, who delivered a short message on how our movement’s emphasis on training and development has impacted the nations into which we have sent missionaries.

The topping ceremony then commenced, with representatives of the Every Nation Executive, Apostolic, and Construction teams, as well as Victory Fort’s Executive team, in attendance.

God-given Ability: A Story of Provision

lougokianIn 2012, I received my back pay from my former employer. After tithing from that amount, I felt that God wanted me to give the remainder towards the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. I prayed through it, and consulted my wife about the matter. We gave the full amount towards the Building Project, and remained in faith for what God would do.

Aside from what God wanted us to do as a family, I wanted to leave a legacy to my future children. I wanted to show them that we had a part to play as a family in advancing God’s kingdom. I was holding on to God’s promise that as I embrace my role in helping build His kingdom, He will build my household.

My wife and I did not experience any kind of lack thereafter. Just as always, God provided for our needs. What was different, on the other hand, were the side projects I did aside from my regular work. God blessed us with an additional stream of income through steady and consistent side projects.

Because of this, I was able to save up to buy a new laptop. Now, I am better able to produce better-quality output for my regular work and my clients.

Through this giving journey, I realized that God does not merely bless us with our needs and wants–His Word says that He gives us the ability to produce wealth. God provides us with skills, strength, and good health, not just to work hard, but also to be a blessing to others.

Lou Gokian is a Motion Graphic Designer for Every Nation Philippines. He is married to Sarah, a Fund Marketing Officer for the Every Nation Philippines’s Development Department.

"Be Bold Enough to Ask!": A Story of Provision & Promotion

When Honey Gee Cruzada-Carr prayed and fasted in January 2013, she lifted several things in her life up to God, but one particular faith goal weighed heavily and persistently on her heart.

thecarrs“One of my faith goals was to be able to give to the building fund,” she says today. When asked what fuels her desire to support the building, she replies, “My daughter. I look at my daughter and I know that the building will benefit her and the next generation.”

At the time, however, Honey Gee’s situation was less than ideal. She was eager to move on from her workplace at the time.

“One of my faith goals was to be able to look for a better job,” she says, “as I was very unhappy with all the injustice happening in our workplace.”

Despite her problems at work, Honey Gee pledged in faith to the building project. A month after the start-of-the-year 2013 Prayer & Fasting, her situation came to a head, and she was offered a redundancy package equivalent to four tax-free months of pay.

“I gladly accepted it,” she says, “And soon gave the amount I pledged to the building fund in full.”

God had an even bigger surprise in store for Honey Gee.

“A week after, I received a job offer with a 35% salary increase! Only God could do that!”

“I have no problems about giving,” Honey Gee says. “The talent and resources that God is giving us is His. It is our duty to make sure we are faithful stewards by using our talent and resources to His cause – make disciples.”

“People need to believe God for a big amount that they can give to this cause,” she adds. “This is God’s building; He owns it and all the resources. He will use you to be able to give, but only if you are willing and bold enough to ask!”


3 Baptismal Gazebo

Gallery: School of World Missions

Last October 2, twenty-four men and women from twelve different nations graduated from the Every Nation School of World Missions at the Assembly Hall of the Every Nation Building.

During the ceremony, Pastor Jahja Gani, senior pastor of Morning Star Indonesia, shared an inspiring message on making disciples. He exhorted the graduates, “God sent His son to be a missionary. In the same way, it is He who makes you a missionary.” Indeed, it is God who calls His children to serve Him and make disciples in all the nations!

As of this writing, three Sri Lankans are on their way back to their home nation to jumpstart missions work and start a fresh church plant. Sri Lanka is currently one of the nations in which Every Nation does not have a church yet. We are excited to hear and receive good reports from these students, as they go back to their country of origin to share the gospel and make disciples in the campuses.

The Bluebird of Happiness: A Colorful Musical Spectacle [Review]

by Karess Rubrico

The children are reunited with their grandparents, if only for a moment.

The children are reunited with their grandparents, if only for a moment.

On Saturday, October 5, the 3 PM production of Trumpets’ new musicale “The Bluebird of Happiness,” will be staged at the Meralco Theater for the benefit of the Every Nation Building Project Phase 2.

Written and directed by Jaime del Mundo from a play by Belgian playwright Maurice Maeterlinck, “The Bluebird of Happiness” tells the story of Mytyl and Tyltyl, two siblings looking for the Bluebird of Happiness to give them their hearts’ desires and never-ending peace and joy. Their quest takes them on a journey that teaches them about appreciating what life really has to offer.

Catching a preview of “The Bluebird of Happiness” last night, I can say I enjoyed this production very much. For three hours, I was transported into a magical world of make-believe and child-like wonder. Children of all ages will certainly enjoy this story of hope, love, and joy, and older audiences will appreciate the lessons that this musical imparts with whimsical joy.

Mytyl and Tyltyl share a moment together.

Mytyl and Tyltyl share a moment together.

For starters, the production on “The Bluebird of Happiness” was remarkable, and will delight young and older audiences alike. Bold, brilliant colors accentuate the rainbow world that Mytyl and Tyltyl journey through, and the specific sequences in the dark forest and the land of luxury are visually stunning.

The music certainly creates a captivating atmosphere for this fantasy world. The meticulously arranged score by Rony Fortich accomplishes two very key points: 1) It sets the tone for Mytyl and Tyltyl’s journey, and 2) It tells us the story in a lush musical landscape. Particularly noteworthy are the title track and the chorus playing the Dark Forest.

Do the children know what goes in the minds of their faithful pets?

Do the children know what goes in the minds of their faithful pets?

And it in this musical landscape that the actors really shine. In particular, actors Joel Trinidad, who played the villain Night, and Lyn Sherman, who essayed the role of Tylette the Cat, delivered solid scene-stealing performances. The kids who essayed the roles of Mytyl and Tyltyl were particular special too, as were grandparent-playing thespians Steve Cadd and Joy Virata.

I would recommend “The Bluebird of Happiness” to families with children because of its visual appeal, musical impact, and timeless message. The fact that the 3 PM showing on October 5 is for the benefit of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 is a cherry on this sundae; the musical itself is a treat and a great opportunity for families to enjoy quality time together watching a quality show.

Please invite your family and friends to join us at our special run of “The Bluebird of Happiness.” Together, let’s make an impact in the next generation through training leaders and transforming nations.

Click here to know where to buy tickets to The Bluebird of Happiness.

Karess Rubrico is a copywriter and social media manager working in Victory Philippines. She believes that God has an awesome purpose for the next generation. She is part of the Victory Fort congregation.

The Best Investment: A Story of God’s Blessing

belleI first found out about the Every Nation Building Phase 2 when the project was first assigned to me as a Project Coordinator last year. It’s one of my responsibilities as one of the administrators of Victory Alabang.

My husband, Francis, and I wanted to be involved in the building project because we thought it was a worthy investment. So we committed to be part of the Every Nation Building Project for the next two years. We wanted to participate in what God is doing in our nation, and beyond. Since my husband is a campus minister, we also believe in training the next generation to make disciples.

Since we began giving, God has blessed Francis and I in so many ways after. But the biggest blessing we received came in the form of abundant financial provision. After one year of giving to the Building Project, my husband and I received five times of what we gave in a year. The person who blessed us with this amount told us we could this amount for future investments also.

Francis and I are so blessed to be part of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. We really believe it is a good investment for the future. It feels good to participate in this endeavor, and I know the resources we allot towards this project will never go to waste.

Concrete Pouring ceremony held for the Every Nation Building Phase 2

Last August 14, 2013, the Every Nation Philippines family celebrated a significant milestone in the construction of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project when a concrete pouring ceremony commemorated the start of foundation-laying activities at the construction site.

Representatives of Every Nation Philippines wrote Bible verses on four fresh concrete slabs to symbolize how the Word of God was solidly at the heart and literally in the foundation of the Every Nation Building Phase 2. Victory founding pastor and Every Nation Ministries co-founder Steve Murrell wrote “Matt 28:18-20” in the fresh cement, followed by Victory Philippines Bishop Manny Carlos, who wrote “Rev. 11:15.” Every Nation Philippines Director for Administration Ms. Jiji Concepcion wrote “Rev. 7:9,” and Pastor Joey Bonifacio finished up with “Ps. 2:8.”

As the concrete poured into the hole earmarked for the ceremony, Every Nation Philippines raised up a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness.