Last 2013 Prayer and Fasting, one of my faith goals was to be able to give to the building fund. One of my faith goals as well was to be able to look for a better job as I was very unhappy with all the injustice happening in our workplace. A month after the fasting, I was eventually offered a redundancy package that gave me 4 months salary tax free, which I have gladly accepted. I was able to give the amount I pledged to the building fund in full! A week after, I have received a job offer with a 35% salary increase. Only God can do that!

I was invited to a banquet last December, during which we were updated on the status of the Every nation Building Phase 1.

I have no problems about giving. The talent and resources that God gives us is His; it is our duty to make sure we are faithful stewards by using our talent and resources for His cause, to make disciples of all nations.

If you ask anything in accordance with God’s will, He will definitely answer and provide for all your needs. He has given me money above and beyond what I have asked, and He has given me the ability to give.

[People] need to believe God for a big amount that they can give to this cause. This is God’s building. He owns it and all the resources. He will  use you to give, but only if you are willing and bold enough to ask!

August 2015 Photo Gallery

This gallery contains images from the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2, taken August 14, 2015.

20150814_160222A wall quote from Mark 10:43 and 45 greets visitors as they exit the elevators.
20150814_160249The Students’ Lounge encourages students with an inspiring quote from William Carey.20150814_160301The spacious third floor lobby provides a wide space for students as they exit their classrooms. 20150814_160308Third floor corridors are intentionally wide, leading to the classrooms and the library. 20150814_160318The library will provide desks for students to conduct research, as well as resource materials useful to their studies.

July 2015 Photo Gallery

June 2015 Photo Gallery

This gallery contains visual updates of the Every Nation Building Phase 2’s third floor construction.

One of the seven classrooms on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.20150619_100604
A view of the main hallway on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2. 20150619_100630
One of the seven classrooms on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.20150619_100646
The incomplete Students’ Lounge on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.20150619_100724
One of the seven classrooms on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.

One of the seven classrooms on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2. 20150619_100921
The main hallway on the third floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.20150619_101155
Construction is ongoing on the function hall on the second floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.
Another angle of the 900-seater function hall on the second floor of the Every Nation Building Phase 2.

Build God's House and He will Build Yours: A Story of Provision and Restoration

In March 2013, my wife and I bought a lot in Pasig City, intending to build our future home there. We pushed through with the purchase, even though we were initially concerned about how it would affect my family, particularly my mother, who enjoyed the fact that all my siblings lived in Quezon City, making family gatherings an easy and effortless affair.

Well, our concerns were certainly valid. Telling her, six months after buying the lot, was absolutely devastating, and it caused a huge rift in my relationship with my mother, who, at the time, was very disappointed with our decision to move away from Quezon City.

“How could you live so far away from the family?” she asked angrily. “You will have to build your house on your own,” she added, “and I will never visit your house!”

Knowing that my parents wouldn’t extend any assistance to us, my wife and I began to save up for our house in Pasig. Saving up for it wasn’t easy; two of my income sources ended in 2014, and we were concerned about raising enough funds for construction, which we’d scheduled to start in January 2015. By the time our deadline came around, we’d raised only about 35% of the funds we needed to build our house.

That, combined with my strained relationship with my mother, was causing me a lot of emotional anguish. I thank God for the support I’d received from the men in the Victory group I attended, which met every Wednesday night.

One particular Wednesday night, our guest speaker was Mr. Jayson Lo, who talked about tithing and giving sacrificially. He shared several experiences where He blessed someone, only to have God bless him back. He challenged us to be faithful in tithing.

“Test God,” I remember him saying, “and surely, His blessings will flow.”

This message hit me straight to the heart. Frankly, I hadn’t tithed since 2014, and had not committed to giving sacrificially. That night, after Jayson shared his message, I felt God impressing upon my heart to pledge to give Php2.5M for the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project.

At first, I questioned my motives. I knew I wanted to give to the building project, not because I was expecting blessings from God, but because I’d heard about it for a long time from my pastors, and I cared about it because I ran a construction business. Since we were still short of the funds we needed for our house, I felt God was finally pushing me to make the building a priority. I spoke to my wife about it, and she supported me.

“Everything we have is from God,” she reminded me. “Give whatever is in your heart to give.” We pledged Php2.5M.

A week after submitting our pledge to the Development Office, I received a call from my mother, out of the blue.

“When are you starting the construction of your house?” she asked.

“February 2015,” I replied.

“Okay,” she said. “I will give you Php25M for the construction of your house.”

I was stunned. God blessed me with an amount that was ten times the amount I’d pledged, even before I gave a centavo! I had faith that God would help me raise the funds I needed to build my home, but I never imagined that He would use my mother to bless me with the funds for virtually the entire cost! Our relationship is slowly but surely starting to improve, and we are excited about what the future holds for us and our family.

The story doesn’t end there. Our senior pastor invited me to attend a building banquet, where he shared the vision of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project. It was there that I felt God telling me to sponsor a Leadership Room. I learned that a Php3M gift was enough, so I decided to obey God and raise my pledge to that amount. A week later, I visited the Development Office to discuss the details for our donation. Apparently, the only Leadership Room still available for sponsorship would cost Php5M. I decided to step out in faith and pledge that amount.

For me, only God could have orchestrated this entire exercise that began badly with a surreptitious purchase of property and ended with a restored relationship and provision beyond what I expected. As my wife and I build our dream home, we are also thrilled about doing our part in building the next home for the training of our future pastors and missionaries. The future is bright because God holds it all in His hands!
This donor has requested to remain anonymous for this story and for his donation to the building project.

From Egypt to Promised Land: a Story of Faith

ria_ilanoIn 2010, corporate communications maven Ria Ilano was an account manager at one of the biggest media companies in the country. It was a high-profile career with high stakes, and while she thrived in the work, her body began to show signs of wear and tear.

“I contracted pneumonia in 2010,” Ria says, “and I almost died. I knew I had to make a change.”

In December 2010, Ria resigned so her body could recover from the stress. Thanks in great part to the support she received from family, friends, Victory groupmates, and her fellow volunteers at Victory Fort’s KIDS Ministry, she recovered well. Still, Ria wasn’t sure what to do next.

“I was unemployed and praying for direction,” she says. “During that time, I decided to start a business.”

Not long after making that momentous decision, Ria heard of an ambitious project at Victory Fort. Ria’s heart for the next generation resonated with the message of the Every Nation Building Phase 2. Despite the demands of the fledgling business, Ria decided to participate.

“Some of my fellow volunteers from the KIDS Ministry and I got together,” she says, “and we decided to sponsor a room.”

The Volunteers’ Lounge seemed like the most appropriate choice for the group, whose members deciding to divide the Php2million cost equally amongst themselves.

“Despite all the challenges facing me, I completed my pledge in 2012,” Ria says proudly. “It was bittersweet, because that same year, I decided to close my business. Less than two years later, my mother died. Still, I had no regrets. I prioritized what God deserved.”

God honored Ria for her faithfulness during the mid-year prayer and fasting of 2013. Shortly afterward, a company contacted her for a leadership opportunity; after talks, she joined that company to lead a corporate communications department created specifically to maximize her skills and experience. It was the first time in the company’s 25-year history that such a department was created.

Today, Ria continues to work joyfully at that company, and is currently fulfilling her second pledge, a Php50,000 pledge at Victory Alabang to honor the memory of her mother.

“The entire time, I never doubted God would abandon me,” Ria smiles. “I stayed true to my commitment, and God stayed true to His. Even now that I’m in my promised land, I’m excited to step out in faith every time God calls me to.”

GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS: A Testimony of Provision

The Deen FamilyAs a member of Every Nation Philippines’ Communications Department, it is my privilege to communicate with our partners, providing regular updates on the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project. Like you, my wife, Catherine, and I committed to monthly gifts to the building, believing that God would use this building to help build strong men and women who would work with us to disciple the next generation, including our children, Nathan and Nicki.

In June 2014, our family was shocked to learn that Nathan was diagnosed with profound hearing loss in his left ear. Follow-up tests, including an audiotory brainstem response (ABR) test, confirmed that 80% of his left ear’s hearing capacity was gone.

Nathan’s EENT recommended we get a hearing aid. Upon further inquiry, we learned that the hearing aid apparently best suited to his needs, costs Php170,000, certainly not a small amount.

IMG_9883Caths and I prayed about our situation. While we still held on fast to our faith that God would heal Nathan, we were knew we needed to prepare for the worst, and start allocating a portion of our income for the hearing aid. Every peso counted, and over the past few months, we’d set aside a little bit to go towards buying the hearing aid.

One thing we both agreed to do was not stop giving to the building project. In early November, we decided to pay off the remaining balance of our pledge by December. Shortly after we made that decision, to our surprise, we received a call from a hearing aid supplier, who offered us a hearing aid that was 50% cheaper than the original hearing aid! We were also so blessed by a few people, including Cathy’s father, who gave seed money to help us buy Nathan’s hearing aid. If all goes well, we hope to buy the device next week.

God has been so faithful to our family. There was never any doubt in our minds that we wanted to put His plans first, which is why giving to the building project was one of our family’s priorities for the past two years. (It was also a blessing that our daughter, Nicola, was featured in the November 2014 building video.) Our son might have a hard time hearing, but God has clearly shown that He hears us perfectly, and is ready to answer our prayers in His perfect time.


Do you have a testimony to share of God’s goodness after giving to our building project? Please email us at Thank you!

Richly Blessed

blas and dynes magnoIn October 2013, Blas and Dynes Magno of Victory Pioneer were invited to attend a banquet for the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project. Dynes shares their testimony and how God made Himself known to them.

When we first got an invite for the EN Building Phase 2 Building Banquet, we had no idea what the event was all about—but of curiosity and excitement, we responded to the invitation.

At the banquet, we learned the value of building a facility for the next generation of leaders. It was an ongoing project, and we felt privileged to see the building plans, designs, perspectives and blueprints. Doc Jun Aguilar, our senior pastor, made the presentation and we became interested. At the end of the event, we were offered the opportunity to be part of the project.

We were excited to be part of the great endeavor that the church was going to have. My husband and I spent time praying for the amount we were to give for the entire year, in spite of the financial challenges that we were facing. Our budget was so stretched because of our usual monthly house amortizations, utility bills, and other financial obligations that we had—and we didn’t know where to get the pledge amount we committed.

A week after we accepted Doc Jun’s challenge to give to the building, Blas was called into his boss’s office. Ever since he was hired, Blas had not been given any increases, and when he was called in, he initially thought had done something wrong. To his surprise, his boss offered him a promotion then and there, guaranteeing him a salary increase, a monthly gas allowance, and a rise up the company’s corporate ladder! It was the first time in 30 years that a mid-year promotion was given to any employee at that company, and he was stunned.

When Blas arrived at home, we both marveled at God’s faithfulness to us when we decided to do our part in building His kingdom through this building partnership. Blas’ promotion and salary increase was a reminder that He listens to his children’s prayers, sees their hearts, and makes things possible even in the midst of trials.

We have received countless blessings from the Lord and continue to receive more.  Every blessing has its own unique story to tell. For us, it is a reminder that He is faithful and generous. That is why we always endeavor to give whatever is due Him. All praises and glory to Him!

Unshakeable Faith

My family and I have been based in Tacloban since 2009. My then-fiancé (now my wife) and I decided to help plant the church in the city. I knew God had a plan for us, so we built our lives and our livelihood in the region.

We had a good living in the city, until typhoon Yolanda hit the region. By then, my wife and I had two children, aged 4 and 2. All our belongings were submerged in floodwater. In the middle of looking through the items in our home, we discovered the Every Nation building bank I had gotten for my children. It was all we had left.

To be honest, it was tempting to empty its contents and make use of the money we’d put inside it, but something was holding me back from actually doing so. I resolved in my heart that the money in that coin bank was not mine to keep and use for my family’s survival.  It was for the church—specifically, to help advance God’s kingdom.

COMM8945Before the storm, we’d been putting coins in the bank for some time. Each time I came home from work, I’d give my children a few coins that they could put inside the bank. I wanted to teach my children about giving generously—that what God entrusts to us is not just ours to keep, but ours to give away. I wanted my children to have hearts that give joyfully, and without reservation.

God, in His faithfulness, has blessed us over and beyond what we can ever imagine. After the storm, work was unstable, but my wife and I were given capital to start a new business. We’d also receive unexpected blessings here and there.

God is a lavish and generous God, but He can bless us as He so pleases. One of the biggest lessons I have learned, one that I also want to impart to my children, is to not seek rewards from Him. As we are faithful in the small things, God is honored and glorified. The starting point of giving is in your heart, and I consider it an honor and privilege to give to His kingdom.


Today, John Louie and his family are based in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. Aside from helping jumpstart the Victory church to be planted in the area, they have started a business and have plans to set up a music school in the city.

Every Nation Building Phase 2 Construction (September Gallery)

Construction on the Every Nation Building began in early 2013. This gallery is our first-ever feature on the the new facility’s concrete structure!