December 2012: Merry Christmas!

On behalf of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project team, Merry Christmas! Thanks in part to your continued support, all systems are “Go!” for the Every Nation Building Phase 2!

On October 27, we broke ground for the Every Nation Building Phase 2, exactly eleven years later to the day we broke ground for the first Every Nation Building. This was more than happy coincidence; we know God loves to delight His children. We hope this month’s updates bring you joy, whether you’re reading about the latest project developments, or about Ria Catalasan’s encouraging story of steadfast faith, or looking at pictures of the next generation doing their part in building this building.

Even as we celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2012, and look forward to His doing more amazing things in 2013, we know the work is far from over. As we remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, let us also never forget it is for Him and His mandate that we are building this building. Thank you for co-laboring with us to train leaders and transform nations.

On behalf of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project team, happy holidays

Pastor Joey Bonifacio
Project Campaign Director


  • On-site Digging. Pray for good weather and ideal working conditions as we begin digging the site of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 this January 2013.
  • Parking Alternatives. Pray for peace and patience across the church as parking conditions adjust to the construction. Believe God for smooth traffic conditions as we begin our shuttle service.
  • The Building Team. Pray for the members of our building team, that they will continue to remain united as the project heads into full swing. Believe God for clarity and discernment as they continue to work on the project.
  • Partners. As 2013 begins, pray for our partners’ renewed passion for our vision, faithfulness to their pledges, and continued health and security as the building commences.

Every Nation holds groundbreaking for new building

On October 27, 2001, the Every Nation family broke ground for the Every Nation building project. Exactly eleven years later, we broke ground for the second phase of the Every Nation building.


“I didn’t have money, but I had peace”: A Story of Steadfast Faith

Every week at building banquets throughout Metro Manila, Ria Catalasan would invite church members to participate in building the Every Nation Building Phase 2. Yet inside, this former bank executive herself found herself hesitant, as she had virtually nothing to give. Read about how God challenged her to step out in faith in a big way, and how He rewarded her obedience… in His time.


Building Booth launched at Every Nation Building

The Every Nation Partner Relations Office (PRO) recently launched a building booth on the second floor of the Every Nation Building. PRO staff will man the booth on weekends to provide information on the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project and receive Building Bank submissions.

View our Facebook album featuring children with their Building Banks.



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You will need a myVictory account to give online.

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Invite your Friend to a Banquet

Schedule a friend for one of our building banquets

“I Didn’t Have Money, But I Had Peace”: A Story of Steadfast Faith

Coordinating building banquets for the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project was not difficult for Partner Relations Coordinator Ria Catalasan; it was listening to the nightly invitations to partner in faith that tugged at the former bank executive’s heart.

“Every night,” she says, “ a different pastor would pray, but nobody knew my situation. It got so bad,” she adds, “that I didn’t have enough money to buy a pair of shoes.”

Things weren’t always so tight for Ria; only a few short years ago, she had a thriving career at one of the country’s largest banks. While she was sole breadwinner and responsible for sending her brother to school, her family’s finances were manageable, even earning enough to secure a house and lot along C5, which, rented out, generated additional income for her family.

In 2001, she decided to start a business with her cousin. She handled the daily operations; he converted his condominium into office space. From the get-go, the business struggled; envisioned initially as a call center, it transitioned into a human resources consultancy, then a virtual office.

“I didn’t pay myself a salary,” Ria says, “our household expenses were all paid using credit cards.” After months of financial bleeding, in, Ria’s cousin decided to sell his condominium, effectively terminating the business arrangement and leaving her tens of thousands of pesos in credit card debt.

“The failure of the business was very difficult for me,” Ria recalls. “I cried so hard.”

In, determined to rise above her situation, Ria threw herself into her new job – Partner Relations Coordinator at Every Nation’s Partner Relations Office – with passion and fervor. At the same time, she and her family decided to put their C5 property on the market.

“It wasn’t easy,” Ria says. “The property was for sale for several months, but we had no inquiries. Meanwhile, the summer was difficult; we didn’t use air-conditioning. I sold all my jewelry so we could buy gas. The worst part for me,” she adds, “was not being able to give to the building.”

In July 2012, Ria had a conversation with a friend from the bank for whom she used to work. That friend reminded her that she had stock options she hadn’t claimed; the value was close to Php32,000.

“I couldn’t believe I had money! I converted it to cash,” she says, “so I would have two to three months of worry-free living. But then I was prompted by God to give it to the building.”

“How could I do that?” Ria said to herself. It didn’t sound like something she could do.

Banquet after banquet passed as Ria mulled over what God was asking her to do. Finally, after one particular banquet during which Pastor Paolo Punzalan of Victory Fort Bonifacio prayed, she decided to obey God in faith.

“I said, ‘Lord, You’re my source.’” Ria smiles, “Wala na. I had nothing to bank on. I just prayed, ‘Lord, increase my faith, I know this is just temporary.’” She gave the full Php32,000 to the building fund the very next day.

“I didn’t have money,” she says, “but I had peace. I knew He would sustain me and my family.”

The next few months tested the patience of Ria and her family, but also featured miracle after miracle. Despite no additional income, Ria and her family found resources to meet their monthly needs. Her household expenses decreased as the family worked to become more efficient with their expenses. And after several years of being on the market, their C5 property finally found a buyer.

“The first thing I did was pay off my credit cards!” Ria grins, “Back then, I prayed to be a good steward of God’s blessings, even when I didn’t have anything. Yun yung nangyari,” she adds, laughing, “I didn’t have anything.”

“When you have nothing, though,” she adds, “it becomes even more meaningful when God reminds you that He will always provide something for you. I may not have had money, but I always had God. And that was more than enough for me.”

Every Nation holds groundbreaking for new building

Exactly eleven years ago on October 27, we broke ground for Phase 1 of the Every Nation building project. Armed with big dreams and big faith, we believed God for the impossible to happen. We believed God that our building would be a launching pad for reaching the nations and disciple every nation in our generation.

On October 27 this year, we witnessed history as we officially broke ground for Phase 2 of the Every Nation building project. We invited the building project team, building staff, our pastors, and partners, to formally witness the beginnings of our construction project.

The event was graced by Senator Gringo Honasan, who shared a timely and encouraging message on nation-building and the next generation.

About two weeks later, we held a separate groundbreaking ceremony for Victory Fort leaders and building banquet attendees. Our objective for the second groundbreaking ceremony was for our Victory Fort congregation to have a strong sense of family and belonging as we work together in honoring God and making disciples — not only in this generation, but beyond.

We are officially starting the construction for the Every Nation Building Phase 2! Thank you for faithfully partnering with us in this endeavor, not only through your giving, but through your prayers as well. Please pray with us and believe God for greater things to transpire in the next few months—and the year to come!

View photos of our October 27 groundbreaking ceremony.
View photos of our November 10 groundbreaking ceremony.

October 2012: Playing Our Roles in Reaching the Nations

Welcome to the fourth issue of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Newsletter!

Since 2003, the Every Nation Building has been the the headquarters of Every Nation Philippines’ missions efforts. Our passion is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, and our building has served as training grounds and launching pad for future missionaries and church planters.

In the next few weeks, we will begin preliminary work on the Every Nation Building Phase 2. This newsletter details what we can expect in the first phase of development. We praise God for His provision and thank you for your faithful partnership with us as we break ground.

Speaking of faithful partnership, when I first heard Shane Posadas’ testimony, I was both encouraged and inspired, and I hope it affects you in a similar way. God truly honors the faith of His people, and we look forward to reporting similar stories as our building project progresses.

As we look forward to the completion of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 in 2014, please stand with us in prayer, referring to the prayer points in this newsletter. We appreciate your unwavering partnership; may God prosper you as we co-labor together for His glory.

Pastor Joey Bonifacio
Project Campaign Director


  • Groundbreaking Ceremony. Pray for good weather, high spirits, light traffic, and God’s hand over our groundbreaking ceremony.
  • Parking Alternatives. Pray for more parking alternatives as the groundbreaking date approaches. Believe God for patience and understanding across the church as we transfer to our temporary parking site.
  • The Building Team. Pray for wisdom, unity, clarity, and creativity for the members of the building team.
  • Partners. Pray for our partners’ continued provision, good health, and faithfulness to the vision of our building project.

Preliminary Building Work Starts This Month

In preparation for the construction of the Every Nation Building Phase 2, preliminary work begins on the project site on October 29. By November, boarding up will begin, and formal excavation starts in January 2013. Every Nation Building parking will no longer be available by then, so an alternative parking area at the corner of Lanes R and D, adjacent to 11th Avenue, has been reserved for Every Nation and Victory congregants, pastors, administrators, and staff. Click on the image to view the location of the alternative parking lot.


Every Nation Building Hosts Missionaries’ Graduation

Last October 3, the Every Nation Building played host to the graduation ceremony of the Every Nation Schools of Ministry’s School of World Missions. Twenty-eight graduates, including future cross-cultural missionaries assigned to nations all over the world, were feted in formal rites at the Assembly Hall.


“His Promise is Never Delayed”: A Story of Faith in God’s Provision

When general manager Shane Posadas decided to pledge to the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project, he did not expect to be forced into early retirement soon afterwards. Instead of abandoning his commitment, however, he decided to fulfill his pledge in full. Read about how God rewarded one man’s audacious faith with an equally stunning outpour of blessing.

Get a ‘Building Bank’ Coin Bank for Kids!

The Every Nation Building Bank is a coin bank that encourages kids to get involved in the building project in a creative and fun way. Kids who complete their building banks – Php1,000, tracked by coloring bricks into the bank – get their names up on the Every Nation Campus Virtual Wall or Every Nation Virtual Wall. For more information or to get your own Building Bank, please visit the Partner Relations Office on the ground floor of the Every Nation Building.



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You will need a myVictory account to give online.

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Invite your Friend to a Banquet

Schedule a friend for one of our building banquets

August 2012: Becoming God’s Hands and Feet

Welcome to the second issue of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Newsletter!Last August 6 to 8, Metro Manila and several nearby provinces were battered by monsoon rains that flooded 80% of the affected areas. This month’s newsletter will encourage you as you read about how the church commununity came together to be God’s hands and feet to the thousands affected by the floods.

Also, in the previous newsletter, you read about Nonoy and Grace Cartera, whose faithfulness was rewarded by God through unexpected provision. This month, writer Anson Yu, one of Victory Fort Bonifacio’s volunteer photographers, tells the story of what happened after he covered one of our building banquets.

We’d love to hear your story as well. Please let us know how you’ve experienced God’s provision in a powerful way after committing to partner with us. Feel free to reach us at +63 (2) 817 1212 local 328 or 415, or you can reply to this email.

We thank you for your continued partnership, and believe that God will prosper you so that His Name may be glorified in our efforts to train leaders and transform nations. May God bless and keep you.

Pastor Joey Bonifacio
Project Campaign Director


  • PARTNERS. Believe God for our partners to faithfully fulfill their pledges, and for Him to bless them for their generosity.
  • PERMITS. Believe God that all necessary permits will be released on time.
  • PARKING. Believe God for open spaces, good weather, and a spirit of patience and cooperation when we begin building.
  • PLANS. Believe God for anointing for the project team members, that their plans will reflect quality and excellence.

‘Monsoon Relief’ efforts use Every Nation Building as homebase

Hundreds of volunteers from all over Metro Manila came together to participate in relief operations to assist thousands of people affected by flash floods caused by heavy rains over Manila. Read what some volunteers had to say about their volunteer experience, or watch our Monsoon Relief recap video.

Faithful in the little things: a story of provision

Writer and photographer Anson Yu made Victory his spiritual home in the early 90’s, even contributing faithfully to the original Every Nation Building campaign. Fuel your faith as Anson tells the story of how God inspired him to once again pledge his time and resources, and how the Lord rewarded his faithfulness with unexpected provision at a time when he least expected it.

Do you qualify for the Vision or Legacy Wall?

The Every Nation Vision Wall recognizes a minimum donation of Php50,000 with a special space on a state-of-the-art touch screen wall at the lobby of the Every Nation Building Phase 2. Meanwhile, the Every Nation Legacy Wall honors donors who complete their Php250,000 donation with a special mention on an elegant marble wall, also in the Every Nation Building Phase 2 lobby.

Several of our donors have completed their pledges and are now qualified for these walls. To check if you qualify for recognition on the Vision or Legacy Wall, please contact us at +63 (2) 817 1212 local 328 or 415, or you can reply to this email.



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You will need a myVictory account to give online.
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Invite your Friend to a Banquet
Schedule a friend for one of our building banquets

June 2012: . . . and We're off!

Hello from Every Nation!

First, we want to say “Thank you!” for your interest in the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project.

You are receiving this newsletter for one of two reasons:

  • You’ve given to our building fund, or
  • You subscribed to the newsletter via email on our official website.

Either way, we’re so glad to have you with us, so thank you and welcome! It is our prayer that you will find the content of this newsletter informative and encouraging.

If you have anything you’d like to tell us, please let us know! You can reach us at +63 (2) 817 1212 local 328 or 415, or you can reply to this email.

Once again, thank you for partnering with us to train leaders and transform nations!

Pastor Joey Bonifacio
Project Campaign Director


  • PARKING. Pray for open spaces nearby, for staff & churchgoers, as well as patience & good weather.
  • PARTNERS. Pray for God to open the hearts and minds of people to partner with us & give generously to the project.
  • PERMITS. Pray for fast processing of all construction permits so we can begin building.
  • PLANS. Pray for wisdom & grace for the project team, as well as quality materials and plans.


“GOD IS A PROMISE-KEEPING GOD!” A Family’s Provision Journey

In 1999, Nonoy and Grace Cartera pledged to the Every Nation Building Phase 1, expecting to give comfortably out of gratitude for God’s provision. What they didn’t expect was a season of uncertainty that challenged the Carteras’ commitment to their building pledge and each other. Be encouraged as Grace Cartera recounts how God miraculously sustained and provided for their family.

Post on our Virtual Walls!

We are so excited about our Every Nation Virtual Walls on! For only PHP 1,000, this web-based recognition wall allows everyone to express their passion to see every nation and every campus reached in our generation by posting their names on our walls for all to see!

Our Official Website is up!

After months of development, our Every Nation Building Phase 2 website is now live at! This website allows visitors to learn more about the project, view the building’s different facilities, make or edit their pledges, and even give directly to the project online!


Give Online
Now you can give online via credit card or BPI Express Online.
You will need a myVictory account to give online.
Click here to learn more about myVictory.
Giving History
Track how much you’ve given with this useful online tool
Invite your Friend to a Banquet
Schedule a friend for one of our building banquets