We are very happy to announce that the Every Nation Building Phase 2 basement parking facility is now open!
On weekdays, visitors to the Every Nation Building will be issued visitor slips that require validation; on weekends, drivers will be issued cards with three-hour validity. Weekday drivers who exit without a validated visitor slip, or weekend drivers who have exceeded the three-hour validity, will be charged a fine of PHP300 (either whole-day parking on weekdays and beyond their allotted time on weekends).
Parking policies
As we start using our parking facility, kindly take note of the following:
- Parking is open from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM only, and only for ministry purposes.
- Overnight Parking is not allowed unless there’s a medical emergency or a breakdown of your vehicle.
- Parking reservations shall not be allowed.
- Speed limit shall be 5 kilometers per hour.
- Staircase access only.
- Satellite parking and shuttle services will still be available during this period of transition.
We also held a Happy Parking Party to formally open the basement parking. Please view the gallery below.
- The venue of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Ms Crickette Abello, Development Director, with guests of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Victory Fort’s pastors and guests at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Guests at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party enjoy their snow cones
- Pastor Jeff Eliscupidez and Mr Jekoy Valle host the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Every Nation Philippines staff enjoy their ice scrambles and ice water at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Guests and Every Nation Philippines staff at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Bishop Manny Carlos delivers a relevant word at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Guests honor God in song at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Victory fort Executive Pastor Paolo Punzalan, Victory Metro Manila Director Pastor Ferdie Cabiling, Victory Provincial Churches Bishop Juray Mora, and Victory Philippinex Executive Director Bishop Manny Carlos at the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party site
- Members of Victory’s administrative team at the venue of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party
- Members of Victory Fort’s administrative team at the venue of the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Happy Parking Party