Wally and Leah Castro were in faith to be part of the Every Nation Building project in spite of financial challenges. When they were faced with setbacks, the Castros believed in faith that God would provide for their giving—and He did much more! Read this story of God’s faithfulness in the midst of the trials that surround us.
We were excited to hear about the Every Nation Building Phase 2 project, and we wanted to take part in this great endeavor. However, we could not help but feel mixed emotions of joy and uncertainty, as we were beset by financial struggles. Nevertheless, we had committed ourselves to be part of the project. We pledged for an amount to be given monthly for the next 25 months.
We enthusiastically started setting aside and giving until the second month. But on the third month onwards, we were no longer able to give due to the pressing demands of our family’s financial needs.
We thought we would be able to catch up with our pledged amount when our thirteenth month bonuses came. However, our debts from the previous year came knocking at our door and needed to be paid. We also had to allot our budget towards major car repairs. In spite of all this, we continued to pray for God’s provisions, especially that He enable us to fulfill our pledge. Somehow we knew deep inside that God was going to provide, though we had no clear idea about when and how it will come.
We attended a Victory’s Metro Manila-wide Discipleship Convergence in February 2013. As we heard Pastor Joey’s timely message about the Every Nation Building Phase 2 Project again, both of us agreed that we will recommit our pledge, this time for a lump sum that was equal to the total of the 25 months that we previously pledged. We did not know how God would make that come to pass, but we were in faith that He would provide.
Although we thought it would still take a long time, God took us by surprise! We received an unexpected amount that enabled us not only to cover our car repair expenses, but also to give the lump sum that completed our pledge even earlier than we had ever thought.
We believe that this blessing is truly from God and is orchestrated by Him alone, and that He did it, not just in answer to our prayers, but to fulfill His greater purpose.
God has proven to us time and time again that it is not from our efforts but from Him alone that we can even give to His work. Truly everything we have comes from God. Through this experience, we were brought to a higher level of faith to see how big our God is. We also believe He is teaching us how to handle His blessings by always seeking His greater purpose for them. Indeed, we become channels of blessing when we seek to give to Him; and in the process, we also get blessed!