"God has more surprises in store": A Story of Provision

My name is Anson Yu. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was in high school, although back then, I was not part of any particular church. I wanted to be part of a church, but it wasn’t until 1992, shortly after I graduated from university, that I fervently prayed to God to lead me to a church where I would grow.

It was funny how God answered that prayer. Back then I often hung out with some students who attended a church known as Victory Christian Fellowship. It wasn’t long before they invited me to attend a service, and, despite some hesitation on my part, I finally attended one. After a few more visits, I knew God spoke into my heart that Victory was the church in which I would grow.

Twenty years later, God is clearly proven right; Victory was indeed the church in which I grew. Not only that, the church has become my spiritual family.

A few years after joining Victory, plans were announced that we were going to build a new facility at what was then the newly developed Bonifacio Global City. But to finance the new building, we needed to raise funds. So I decided to commit PHP500 a month to the building fund, although my only source of income back then was working for my family.

God proved Himself faithful by enlarging my territory. By the time the new building opened, I began a career as a freelance writer. Not long after that, I started exploring photography. The ability to write and take photos helped open doors for me to various magazines, newspapers, and websites—all of which tapped me for lifestyle features. I also began working as a heritage tour guide for Old Manila Walks. Looking back now, those part-time jobs became a channel of God’s blessing; what I earned from them definitely helped supplement my income.

Late last year, I was asked to photo-cover a fund-raising event at church. Imagine my surprise to learn that it was for a new building to rise on the Every Nation Building parking lot! The more I listened to the presentation, the more I got excited. Seeing how the church has helped me and other people grow, I decided that it was a good investment to give to the new building fund. The question now was how much.

Eventually, God placed an amount in my heart that was easily the biggest amount of money that I would have ever given away. Frankly, within me, there was no struggle whether I should give or not. I simply felt that I should give that amount. If this facility will help in the training of more campus workers and leaders who will make a difference for God, I thought, then I am behind it.

A few months after I completed my pledge, the time came when my family’s business gave out its year-end bonus. I was shocked when I saw how much I would receive. It was literally a hundred times the amount that I gave to the building fund! There was no doubt in my mind that it was God’s blessing!

This incident only validated for me the promise in the Bible, that “God will reward you if you are faithful in the little things.” Because of this, I’ve decided to increase my giving. Aside from what I normally contribute to the church, I have made a number of pledges to various other church-related causes that I feel are worth supporting. I’ve done this despite the fact that my writing and photography career has slowed down due to fewer offers. In the meantime, I find myself being more involved in doing tours and being involved our family’s business. Nevertheless, I am confident. I know God has more surprises for me in store.